Metal Surface Treatment Chemical PT. Nagata Chemical Indonesia Degreasing:Cleaner 100Cleaner 315Additional products available upon requestSurface Conditioning:Prefos 40PicklingPrecoat RA-RBAdditional products available upon requestPhosphating Process:Bonde 206 M/RBonde 138 M/RBonde WD M/RPrecoat (Zr Base)Additional products available upon requestRust Preventive Oil and Sheet Cleaning:RPO 307RPO 825Electroplating and Stamping:Zinc AnodeZinc Alloy (ex Australia)Maintenance Chemicals:Rust RemoverPaint RemoverPaint Coagulant (Paint Killer)Washing OilWashing ThinnerAcid CleaningPainting Equipment:ITW RANSBURGSpray Ability/Paint Test MeterPaint Test Meter and ProbekV Probe The product you are looking for is not available? Contact us for further information. Contact Us